
We improve our products frequently. Here you can find detailed information about the updates.

June 2024 release

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March 2024 release

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October 2023 release

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January Release 2023

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November Release 2021

Sustainability page under Wealth menu

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Release notes September-Release

With the current September release, we will begin support for the new versions of iOS and Android.

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Release notes for June release

This version discontinues support for Internet Explorer 11. In Mobile Banking, you can now decide whether to activate your phone's LED light when scanning payments.

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Announcement for Internet Explorer 11 users

LLB Portfolio Analysis of Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) starting in June 2021. This means that IE11 can no longer be used to access LLB Portfolio Analysis after that time.

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