LLB Portfolio Analysis

LLB Portfolio Analysis gives you comprehensive analysis options for your custody account.

What does LLB Portfolio Analysis offer?

  • Graphical multi-level display of asset allocation
  • Key indicators such as performance, volatility, and Sharpe ratio
  • Performance comparison with a wide selection of indices and reference values
  • Performance of individual securities in your custody account
  • Graphical display of capital development
  • Daily account and custody account balances
  • Liquidity forecast (cash available) for your accounts
  • Cash flow statement
  • Option of ordering reports
  • Receive bank documents, including account statements, as PDF files
  • Send messages directly to your personal client advisor
  • Personalisable tables

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All functions at a glance


The cockpit is the central entry point for LLB Portfolio Analysis. The dashboard provides an overview of the most important information.

Portfolio Analysis − Asset Allocation

Portfolio Analysis lets you access your custody account's comprehensive asset allocation for a given reference date. The reference date can be changed at the top right. Multi-level display is available for certain asset allocations. Clicking on the three dots also lets you turn the fund calculation on or off and print the page. The table can be exported with a right click.

Key figures − Performance

The key performance indicators can be viewed for any given time period. The time period can be changed at the top right by the date. The relative performance can be compared with a given reference value. Up to seven reference values can be displayed by clicking on '+ add reference value'. Settings can be changed and the page can be printed by clicking on the three dots. The table can be exported with a right click.

Key figures – Volatility & Sharpe Ratio

The volatility and Sharpe ratio indicators can be viewed for given time periods. Predefined values are available for the risk-free interest rate. Optionally, a risk-free interest rate can be entered manually. Up to seven reference values can be displayed by clicking on '+ add reference value'. Settings can be changed and the page can be printed by clicking on the three dots. The table can be exported with a right click.

Portfolio Overview – Position View

The position view provides a daily overview of all securities and accounts. Securities are generally valued at the closing price on the previous day. The reference date can be changed at the top right. By clicking on the three dots next to the search field, you can set up account and custody account notifications (SMS and/or e-mail) or filter and print the page. The securities view can also be activated so that securities with the same currency and depository are displayed in aggregated form. By clicking on the three dots in the table (or with a right click), you can access details, tax information, and transactions and export the table.

Portfolio Overview – Fund Portfolio

This page is available only to fund clients.

The fund portfolio provides an overview of all securities and accounts relating to the fund. Data from the previous day is displayed until about 2 p.m. After about 2 p.m., the fund data is revalued and updated to the current day. The reference date can be changed at the top right. The NAV can be accessed via the link 'Tranche details (NAV)'. By clicking on the three dots next to the search field, you can set up account and custody account notifications (SMS and/or e-mail) or filter and print the page. By clicking on the three dots in the table (or with a right click), you can access details or transactions and export the table.

Account Overview

The account overview displays all accounts with their current and available balances. By clicking on the three dots next to the search field, you can set up account and custody account notifications (SMS and/or e-mail) or filter and print the page. By clicking on the three dots in the table (or with a right click), you can access account postings, account turnover, or account details and export the table.

Account Postings

The account postings display all current postings for the selected account. A different account can be selected in the drop-down list at the top right. By clicking on the three dots next to the search field, you can display the account turnover and account details or filter and print the page. By clicking on these three dots, you can also enter own turnover such as rental receipts manually. The turnover entered manually is then displayed in the account postings. By clicking on the three dots in the table (or with a right click), you can access account details and export the table.


Account Overview – Cash Available

Cash available gives you a preview of your liquidity and can be displayed either for all accounts or for a single account. By clicking on the three dots next to the search field, you can set the view by 'Value date' or account and print the page. The table can be exported with a right click.


The transactions display all account and securities account postings. By clicking on the three dots next to the search field, you can filter and print the page. By clicking on the three dots in the table (or with a right click), you can access details and export the table.

Performance – Yield

The Yield page shows details on the performance of a portfolio or fund over a specifiable time period, as well as comparisons with indices and other reference values (e.g. reference values for portfolios according to different calculation methods, custody account reference values, or benchmarks) before taxes. The time period can be changed at the top right by the date. Settings can be changed and the page can be printed by clicking on the three dots. Up to seven reference values can be displayed by clicking on '+ add reference value'. The table can be exported with a right click.

Performance – Positions

The Performance – Positions page shows performance indicators for all positions in the portfolio. The page can be printed by clicking on the three dots. The table can be exported with a right click.

Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement shows the earnings statement before and after taxes as well as the asset development of a portfolio. The time period can be changed at the top right by the date. The page can be printed by clicking on the three dots.

Approving payments

If you submit a payment in LLB Online Banking, the Bank checks whether you have to approve this payment with the LLB PhotoTAN app. If this is the case, please proceed as follows:

User Menu

The user menu can be accessed by clicking on the name at the top right.

Contents of user menu:

  • Settings
    - Basic settings for LLB Portfolio Analysis
  • Bookmarks & Subscriptions
    - Mark pages as favourites
  • My Profile
    - Change profile picture
    - Change password
    - Generate recovery code
    - Change user address
  • Feedback
    - Link to feedback page
  • Log Out
    - Securely log out of LLB Portfolio Analysis


Diese Information ist eine Marketingmitteilung, welche von Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG sowie all ihrer Tochtergesellschaften (LLB Invest KAG, LLB Immo KAG, LLB Realitäten KAG und Private Equity GmbH) ausschließlich für generelle Informationszwecke erstellt wurde. Eine Veröffentlichung, Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe dieser Information ist ohne die Zustimmung der Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG und deren Tochtergesellschaften untersagt. Sie wurde nicht unter Einhaltung der Rechtsvorschriften zur Förderung der Unabhängigkeit von Finanzanalysen erstellt und unterliegt nicht dem Verbot des Handelns im Anschluss an die Verbreitung von Finanzanalysen. Dieses Dokument stellt keine Finanzanalyse, keine Anlageempfehlung und keine Anlageberatung dar. Es enthält weder ein Angebot zum Abschluss eines Vertrages über eine Wertpapierdienstleistung oder eine Nebendienstleistung noch eine Aufforderung, ein Angebot zum Abschluss eines Vertrages über eine Wertpapierdienstleistung oder eine Nebendienstleistung oder zur Tätigung sonstiger Transaktionen abzugeben. Sofern sich diese Mitteilung auf nach den kapitalmarktrechtlichen Vorschriften prospektpflichtige Produkte bezieht, ersetzen die Informationen keinesfalls den Prospekt, welcher über den jeweiligen Emittenten veröffentlicht wird. 

Jede Kapitalveranlagung ist mit einem Risiko verbunden. Unter Umständen kann es zu einem Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals kommen. Die frühere Wertentwicklung lässt nicht auf zukünftige Renditen schließen. Da nicht jedes Geschäft für jeden Anleger geeignet ist, sollten Anleger vor Abschluss eigene Berater für wirtschaftliche, rechtliche, steuerliche oder andere Fragen konsultieren (insbesondere Rechts- und Steuerberater).