• Rennrad

    Our investment philosophy stands for long-term values

Your values are the basis of our investment philosophy

The investment policy and investment process of the entire LLB Group are value-oriented in many respects. This also shapes our investment philosophy to a very significant extent.

The basis of our clearly value-oriented investment approach is our analysis of the real economy and the financial market environment. Taking into account both quantitative and qualitative aspects, we derive efficient portfolios that maximise the expected return at a defined risk. The focus of our total return approach is real value preservation, which is why systematic risk management is an integral part of our investment process.

To reduce the portfolio risk, we diversify broadly in terms of both asset classes and individual securities. Since this is not always sufficient especially in times of crisis, we take active measures to protect assets if financial markets decouple themselves from fair value or if negative trends persist. In our total return mandates, we could then deviate very significantly as needed from strategic asset class weightings or mandate-specific benchmarks as needed. When selecting securities, we focus our resources on the most important core markets. Value and an attractive risk/return ratio are the top priority.

We do not follow fashionable trends, but rather make investments in solid companies and issuers. In a clearly formulated opinion on the optimal investment strategy, the LLB investment policy gets to the heart of the LLB Group's investment expertise. On this basis, we manage the client funds entrusted to us in accordance with individually agreed investment objectives.

Please note: This information is a marketing notification that has been prepared by LLB (Österreich) AG and all of its subsidiaries (LLB Invest KAG, LLB Immo KAG and LLB Realitäten KAG) exclusively for general information purposes. Publication, reproduction or disclosure of this information without approval from LLB (Österreich) AG and its subsidiaries is prohibited. It was not prepared in compliance with the legal provisions on promoting the independence of financial analyses and is not subject to the trading ban following the distribution of financial analyses. This document constitutes no financial analyses, no investment recommendation and no investment advice. It contains neither an offer to conclude a contract on an investment service or ancillary service nor a request to make an offer to conclude a contract on an investment service or ancillary service or to carry out other transactions. To the extent that this notification refers to products for which a prospectus must be published as prescribed by capital market law regulations, this information in no way replaces the prospectus, which is published by the relevant issuer. 

Every capital investment involves a risk. In some circumstances it may lead to a total loss of the capital employed. Performance in the past does not promise future returns. As not every transaction is suitable for every investor, investors should consult their own advisors for financial, legal, tax or other questions (including, but not limited to legal or tax counsel).