LLB awareness facts and figures

The most important facts, figures and objectives of our sustainability strategy are outlined briefly and concisely below.

Our banking operations

"We wish to reduce the CO₂ emissions of our banking operations by at least 20 % by 2026."

Energy consumption (MWh)6'7585'8065'100
District heating436320347
Total heating/process fuel1'216989834
Total transport fuel404185242
CO₂ emissions (tCO₂)13'0743'4513'467
Scope 1 total2350157126
Scope 2 total3150142116
Scope 3 total2'5743'1523'225
Business trips259 423 405
Employee commuting1'5021'9921'945

1The data basis was extended and updated in the reporting year due to optimised data management. The data for 2020 therefore differs from the current data. This includes the LLB locations in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Austria. Some consumption figures for the Vienna location were estimated based on the prior-year consumption.

2The increased electricity consumption compared with 2020, among other factors, is due in large part to the workforce having worked from home during the pandemic. In addition to this, there were several changes to the system boundary at LLB (Schweiz) AG (new branch in Meilen, changed energy reference areas at various branches); however, the impact of these changes on total electricity consumption is negligible.

3The reduction in district heating consumption compared with 2019 is attributable to a property in Liechtenstein that was heavily impacted by the home-working measures introduced as a result of the pandemic.

4The greenhouse gas emissions were calculated in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidelines. The CO₂ emissions due to electricity for 2019 and 2020 were adjusted retrospectively due to the updating of the emissions factors in the reporting year.

5Greenhouse gas emissions from own heating boilers, transport fuels and air conditioning systems.

6Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of purchased electricity and district heat.

Our banking products

"We want to reduce the CO₂ emissions of our banking products by at least 30 % by 2026."

CO₂e emissions of the mortgage and investment portfolio

CO₂e emissions of the mortgage and investment portfolio

CO₂e footprint of LLB total, mortgage and investment portfolios in tonnes of CO₂e per invested CHF million

CO₂e footprint of LLB total, mortgage and investment portfolios in tonnes of CO₂e per invested CHF million

Our social diversity

"We achieve a balanced gender ratio at all levels. We are an attractive employer for all generations."

Number of nations363839
Percentage of women in the company434243
Percentage of women in management171817
Percentage of women in senior management448
Percentage of women in executive management172020
Percentage of women on the Board of Directors332929