Diversity and inclusion
We firmly believe that diversity breeds success – especially when it comes to the LLB Group’s senior management team. We offer all employees the same employment and promotion opportunities, irrespective of their gender, age, religion, nationality, ethnic background, sexual orientation or physical abilities.
We live diversity and inclusion every day through our corporate values:
- We advocate diversity.
- We treat each other as equals – without prejudice.
- We act together and with foresight.
- Diversity drives us forward.

The LLB focuses on two specific aspects: gender diversity and generation diversity.
Our ambitions:
- To achieve a balanced gender ratio at all levels
- To be an attractive employer for all generations
The LLB implements targeted measures to achieve its defined qualitative and quantitative objectives.
Our existing management processes are geared towards creating an inclusive corporate culture right from the time we first encounter a prospective colleague (from initial contact and recruitment to development and retention). This approach enables our employees to gain new perspectives and a vast wealth of knowledge.
But an inclusive corporate culture is only possible if we work together. A group of interested employees is working in consultation with Group Executive Management/Senior Management, focussing on the visibility and the ongoing further development of the measures for the defined focus topics.
"To be an attractive employer for all generations."
Young Talent Programme
We also offer a dedicated programme for our up-and-coming stars – the Young Talent Programme.
Here, junior staff are able to assume responsibility and learn new skills. At LLB, we are proud to be able to support the career development of our graduates.
LLB knows that young adults buy into LLB diversity and have a positive impact on our corporate culture. From day one, they assume ownership, take the lead in pursuing issues, and inject new ideas and impetus – often based on their own research. Extensive training, coupled with insights into operational and strategic activities, enables young talents to develop their potential, making them ideal candidates for key positions.
Remuneration – transparent and fair
Equal opportunities
At LLB Group, we go to great lengths to make sure that all employees receive the same work and promotion opportunities. We consider diversity aspects, such as the existing team mix, as early as the recruitment process. Furthermore, recruitment decisions are down to a group comprising various genders and generations rather than to one person alone.
The LLB Group has two essential, coordinated development tools: the Performance Management Process (PMP) and the People Development Process (PDP).
"To achieve a balanced gender ratio at all levels."
Adopting a range of perspectives allows us to ensure objectivity
The key feature of the PDP is that the assessment is not conducted by the direct supervisor alone; it has to be confirmed by a group of managers. This ensures objectivity beyond departmental boundaries and brings particularly talented employees to our attention. In this way, we are able to identify shining talents of a more reserved nature, who might otherwise slip under the radar.
LLB as an employer
What we stand for.
Your entry after graduation.