Stability and maximum security – also in challenging times
The LLB Group has stood for stability and security for 160 years. As Austria's leading asset management bank, we are a reliable partner at your side – not only in good times, but also in economically challenging times. We offer you our many years of experience, our comprehensive expertise, our innovative strength, and a sustainable focus so that we can navigate turbulent market phases together.

Stefan Klocker, CIO Equities, LLB Invest KAG
The coronavirus crisis poses great challenges not only to banking, but to the entire world of finance. Especially in uncertain times, it is important to be able to rely on professionally prepared information. Access the best possible information in our daily market commentaries and our regular event-driven market updates.

Christoph von Bonin, CIO Bonds, LLB Invest KAG
Especially in times of crisis, security and stability are crucial. A strategically impeccable approach and ongoing validation of the steps taken are therefore essential to be on the safe side. Stay up to date and let us keep you informed.
Current media communiqués
We place great emphasis on transparency and timely, comprehensive information for our clients, investors, and partners. Our information ranges from LLB Österreich media communiqués to daily Morning News and research publications. Here are our latest media communiqués so that you can keep track of what's important at LLB Österreich.
Please note: This information is a marketing notification that has been prepared by LLB (Österreich) AG and all of its subsidiaries (LLB Invest KAG, LLB Immo KAG and LLB Realitäten KAG) exclusively for general information purposes. Publication, reproduction or disclosure of this information without approval from LLB (Österreich) AG and its subsidiaries is prohibited. It was not prepared in compliance with the legal provisions on promoting the independence of financial analyses and is not subject to the trading ban following the distribution of financial analyses. This document constitutes no financial analyses, no investment recommendation and no investment advice. It contains neither an offer to conclude a contract on an investment service or ancillary service nor a request to make an offer to conclude a contract on an investment service or ancillary service or to carry out other transactions. To the extent that this notification refers to products for which a prospectus must be published as prescribed by capital market law regulations, this information in no way replaces the prospectus, which is published by the relevant issuer.
Every capital investment involves a risk. In some circumstances it may lead to a total loss of the capital employed. Performance in the past does not promise future returns. As not every transaction is suitable for every investor, investors should consult their own advisors for financial, legal, tax or other questions (including, but not limited to legal or tax counsel).